Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cleaning, I'm doing it wrong

So a daily struggle I have with being a working mom is cleaning. Cleaning is one of those things that drives me crazy because I know it will take me forever and will be dirty soon enough so I will have to start the whole process over again. It seems pointless. That being said, I don't like a dirty house so I end up cleaning often.

I know I should probably clean more, but I don't have the heart for it. I know I will never look back on my life and say, "Man, I wish I would have cleaned my house more!"

I bring up all of this because for our anniversary my mom hired someone to come clean our house. I could've kissed her on the mouth when she told me. Now, I had just done a pretty good cleaning of the house last week because, you know, I don't want to cleaning lady to judge me. So I really didn't expect to see a big change in the nursery that is usually pretty clean.

I wish someone could have taken a picture of my face as I looked around the room.

This lady must have rubbed the floor with magic unicorn rainbows to make it so shiny. She even organized his closet. ORGANIZED HIS CLOSET. I didn't even think it COULD be organized. Nevertheless, she put all of knick knacks in a position that made it look like it was obviously supposed to be organized in that way in the first place.

Now our master bedroom, I don't think our sink has ever been so white. It's like she painted it or something. She even cleaned the outside of our stainless steel tiny trash can.

I am going to divorce Adam and marry this lady.

It's been a good three years babe, but I want a clean house!


  1. Keep him around at least... He's a good beer drinking buddy

  2. It looks like you may not be blogging anymore, but the "About Me" section just made me smile. It's good to brag on each other. :) Cheers!

  3. Thanks, Anna! I've been recently thinking about coming back and your comment came at the right time to encourage me. Cheers to you, too! :)
