Friday, September 21, 2012

Much ado about the wedding

Let me just start by saying I don’t think weddings are for me. I much prefer being a guest! The day of the wedding I was a giant ball of nerves. Which is strange because WE WERE ALREADY MARRIED. (If this is confusing to you, read the background here.) It was more nerves knowing everyone would be looking at me and I’m supposed to look as beautiful as I’ve ever looked, and that I wanted it to be romantic for my husband and I, and that I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the 60 guests that took time from their own lives to come and celebrate ours. That’s a lot of pressure!

Of course, that day was a beautiful blur, and I loved seeing everyone, but upon talking to my husband afterwards…yes, we were both happy we did it, but we agreed we are not wedding people.

I didn’t stress much planning the wedding. In fact I started to worry when I wasn’t stressing because I kept thinking I must be doing something wrong and missing something huge if I wasn’t worried. I didn’t miss anything though, everything looked beautiful and everyone ate, drank (and drank and drank), danced and laughed. Which is all I was hoping for. I just wanted to say my vows to my handsome husband and hear his vows to me and eat and laugh with my friends and family.

One interesting tidbit is the fact that people hide things from you on the day of your wedding. I had no clue that people waited so long to get their food and, for some, it was cold. I had no clue that a group of my girlfriends wanted to ring another girl’s neck. I had no clue that a group of Adam’s friends were on their last straw with another guest. I also had no clue how much I had to drink.


I didn’t realize how much until weeks later when I mentioned to Adam, “Man, I wish  Jennie and Austin came to the bar after the wedding.” Upon which Adam looked at me blankly and told me they sat next to me at the bar the whole time. Whoops! But I suppose there are worse things than to appear completely pulled together and not look tanked (as pulled together as you can appear downtown, at midnight, wearing your wedding dress at a bar, after you had walked in the rain). I swear I am a classy person.


I love my friends and family and most of all my husband and son. Without those boys….life would be so boring and joyless. Because of them, my face hurts from smiling so much, I get to cook for people who enjoy my food (well, my husband at least), and I get to shop more because neither of them can dress themselves. J
A quick list of the DIY items:
-Pins for women in the family
-My fascinator
-My hair style
-Feathers on my shoes
-Table numbers
-Flowers (including bouquets and centerpieces)
-Favors (homemade strawberry basil pies in a jar)
-Menu cards
-Seating cards

Here are some highlights from the wedding. Our photographer, Jessica Leigh was fantastic. If you click on the pictures you can see them full size and scroll through them.

I made strawberry basil pies in a jar for favors.
(Label says: Thanks for being sweet as pie.)

We had cake pops instead of cake!

If anyone has any questions on what I did or vendors I used, feel free to ask! 

It makes me so happy to look at these pictures. :)


  1. It makes me happy to look at the pictures, too. That was one of the most special weekends of my life - SERIOUSLY!!!

    I had NO IDEA you were nervous that day, Judy. You sure didn't show it when I was aroung.

    It was an absolutely, positively PERFECT day and you could not have looked more stunning. I'd kind of like to do it all over again in say, oh, 5 or 10 years? :)

    Love you!


  2. Leta,

    You are too sweet! You of course know how much it meant to us that you came. :) I was already thinking about when Adam and I could do this again! hahaha, but I imagine we will just do it for the two of us.
