Saturday, June 16, 2012

I bring you chocolate

I know you missed me! I missed you. You know what’s interesting? You know how it feels  when someone calls you and you let the call go to voice mail and you say to yourself, “I’m  tired, I’ll call them back later.” Later turns into a day. And then into a week. And then you waited so long to call them back that you feel too embarrassed to call. Well, I felt that way about you guys. I have been so neglectful for so long that I felt shameful to post again.
In order to express my sorrow I have come back with something you will love. Something that all husbands and boyfriends (should) give to their gorgeous, beautiful, perfect women whenever they have done something wrong.

I bring you chocolate.

Even better, a recipe for cream cheesy chocolate mousse frosting. Take a moment and re-read the previous sentence. If you’re anything like me when you are really excited about a book you tend to read super fast and sometimes miss things. I really don’t want you to miss anything about that sentence.
I never make chocolate cake. It’s not really my thing. But it’s father’s day and my dad and husband LOVE chocolate cake. Since I’m making chocolate cake and I’m skeptical about the cake recipe I used, I wanted to make a chocolaty frosting to go along with it. Abandoning my go to cream cheese frosting made me feel dirty, though, so I decided to mix the best of both worlds!

*trumpet blaring*
The recipe!

  • 8 ounces semisweet chocolate
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons coffee liqueur
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 block of cream cheese, room temperature
Melt the chocolate over a double boiler setup. Or, if you’re lazy like me put it in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring each time, until completely melted.
While the chocolate is melting, in a large mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks and sugar and beat, with a hand-held mixer, until very pale and thick and have doubled in size. Whisk in the coffee liqueur. When the chocolate has melted, whisk it into the egg yolk mixture.
In a medium bowl, whip the heavy cream to medium peaks. Using 1/3 of the whipped cream at a time, fold the cream into the chocolate mixture. Repeat this process until all the cream is incorporated. Then, in the bowl the cream was in (as to not dirty another bowl), whip the cream the lighten it, and add the chocolate mixture to the cream cheese and give it one final whip to combine everything. Chill for at least 1 hour.

This frosting is super thick, like a chocolate mousse. It can be a little thick to spread but I wanted that. If you want to think it out a bit, add a bit of milk and whip it after it’s been chilled.

Use this frosting as you wish. Go ahead and eat it by itself if you want to! You know what else couples do after they fight, right…..  just keep in mind it can be very sticky. ;)


  1. i keep seeing this picture of your amazeballs chocolate cake, and my mouth immediately fills with saliva. adopt me. please =)

  2. Haha! This cake was pretty fantastic! And lucky for you I love having kids and hate being pregnant, so come on down! ;)
